General Advice on the SATs this Week

As the October SATs are coming up this week, the CTP team would like to extend well wishes for the test and give you a few tips on finalizing your prep. Hopefully, you have been preparing for weeks, maybe months now and you are ready to take the test.

#Advice number 1. BRIEFLY REVIEW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE SO FAR: if there are notes or summaries you took while studying go over them once or twice just as a reminder. Looking over a list of techniques for the reading and writing section and a list of mistakes for the Math section is also helpful.

#Advice number 2. FINAL PRACTICE: As a warm-up to the test, do some practice questions and take a practice SAT or two. This will help you know of the progress you have made as well us give you a sense of what to expect on the day. But make sure you don’t overwork yourself on these last days. You don’t want to take the test tired and worn out, which leads me to my last advice.

#Advice number 3: GET ENOUGH REST: Although most of us are used to working rigorously the week of and specially the night before an exam, this is not a good strategy for the SAT. Instead you should spend take time for yourself to rest and eat well. Doing the opposite will lead to exhaustion and stress. Not only are these unfavorable conditions to be in before a test, they might result in your sickness. And we don’t want that. Finally, relax and chill cause you got this!!! WE BELIEVE IN YOU!


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